Hearing Blog

Hearing Blog

Problems in Hearing Lead to a Problematic Life

Problems in Hearing Lead to a Problematic Life

Hearing loss can pose a major difficulty in communication. Even simple tasks such as answering the telephone or talking to your partner can become a challenge. You may feel left out at dinner conversations and feel out of place when others are laughing at a joke you never heard. Constantly having to ask others to repeat what they said can be frustrating for both them and you. Exploring hearing loss and its effects can help equip you with the tools you need to seek treatment to rectify your hearing problem and gain back control of your life.

Approximately 50% of people aged 75 years and above often encounter hearing loss due to age, known as presbycusis. This happens due to the deterioration of the tiny hair follicles within your inner ear over time which leads to decreased hearing.

Another type of hearing can occur to anyone at any age. This type of hearing loss is caused by noise, and is thus aptly known as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). People who are constantly exposed to loud levels of sound over time can experience this type of hearing loss. Be it construction workers, musicians, or even teenagers who love listening to music on a loud volume, NIHL can affect anyone at any point in their life.

Loss of hearing is often difficult to identify since it is often a gradual decline rather than a sudden one. People may often feel they have trouble hearing higher sound tones such as the high pitched voice of children, or softer sounds such as a whisper. This can be a sign of hidden hearing loss which results from the deterioration of cells in the ear that create myelin. Myelin is useful in insulation of axons within your ear, which thereby allows sound signals to pass seamlessly to your brain. Lack of sufficient myelin can lead to damage in the auditory nerve which disrupts sound transmission to your brain. Hidden hearing loss makes it easier to hear in quieter sound environments, but difficult to make out conversations in loud or noisy environments.

Hearing loss of any form can be difficult to deal with. You may feel isolated due to your inability to follow conversations. You may also end up feeling exhausted at the constant strain placed on your ears to decipher sound. Hearing loss can also lead to several health ailments such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, and dementia. It can even lead to depression as you become more socially withdrawn.

Difficulty in communication can lead to deterioration in the quality of your life. Your personal and professional relationships may break down and you may become increasingly lonely and reserved. Your work performance may also take a dip which can result in a loss of annual income. Make sure you treat your hearing loss in a timely manner to prevent the multiple risks that arise out of enduring untreated hearing loss. If you or a loved one is facing hearing loss, consult a hearing care professional today so that you can choose the best option for you to get back the control over your life and enjoy your life to the fullest.