Hearing Loss and Sports Venues

Everyone enjoys the lively cheer during sporting events. Be it your favorite football team or baseball team, sports just isn’t sports without all the cheering. The unfortunate effect of being exposed to loud noises over a period of time is hearing loss.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) report that unprotected exposure to sounds at 85 decibels or more for a period longer than eight consecutive hours can lead to permanent hearing damage. They recommend that each 3 decibels of noise increment warrant reduction of exposure time to be reduced to half.
Sporting events can be loud and noisy, so the best way to ensure that you do not suffer from hearing loss is by ensuring you implement auditory protection. You can use earplugs or earmuffs to shield your ears from the loud noises during sporting events.
When ensuring auditory protection, it is important to limit the frequency with which you attend loud sporting events. Also keep in mind other stressors and noisy situations in your life that can contribute to hearing loss since hearing loss can also result from noisy work environments and overly loud music or games. Ensure that no matter where you are, you take necessary steps to protect your ears from damage that can lead to hearing loss.