Wind Noise and Hearing Aids

People often wait for the fall to enjoy the fall colors of the trees and the brisk, chilly breeze. However, this breeze can often lead to problems for those wearing hearing aids due to wind noise.
Wind noise is a common problem for hearing aids that are worn behind the ear. This particular style of hearing aids is extremely popular and accounts for 70% of all the hearing devices that are available in the market today. The behind-the-ear hearing aid is particularly popular due to its prolonged battery life and virtually discreet appearance.
Constant sounds of the wind that vibrates beside the hearing aid ports are picked up and amplified by the hearing aids, resulting in wind noise. Due to the fact that behind-the-ear devices are located externally, they are prone to having a higher exposure to the wind. Wind noise can lead to further disruptions in the hearing experience of those already experiencing hearing loss.
Wind, like many other forces of nature, is unpredictable and often changes directions without warning. This makes it difficult to create hearing aids that are specifically designed to combat wind noise. Even so, latest developments in technology by hearing device manufacturers such as Widex, are attempting to use digital chips to rectify this problem. They are attempting to make use of algorithms that are specifically designed to reduce gentle noise levels and show promising results. Comprehensive batteries of tests have revealed that these algorithms enable the hearing aid user to distinguish between consonants as well as vowels, resulting in an enhanced level of satisfaction with their hearing aid.
Your hearing loss does not have to dampen the spirit of fall. Consult your hearing aid specialist to learn ways to combat wind noise and make the most out of those chilly breezes before winter approaches.